Passive Income Breakthrough Webinar

Price: $397 + two upsells ($97, $197)
Affiliate Commission: 50%
Contact Us: [email protected]

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Email Swipes To Promote The Passive Income Breakthrough Webinar

Swipes 1-3 can be sent to all types of email lists.
Swipes 4-9 are geared towards Mens Dating lists. (Men who are interested in dating/seduction/etc.)

Email #1 (Send on Day 1)

Subject: My #1 Key To Unlimited Money and Freedom

Today I want to share something different but EXTREMELY powerful with you…

And I need you to pay close attention and read this email until the end, because this truly has the power to transform your finances and lifestyle.

What you’re about to learn has the power to radically change your life, like it changed mine...

Because you’re about to discover the #1 key to UNLIMITED MONEY and FREEDOM.

Imagine never worrying about money again, or dealing with debts…because you have income constantly pumping into your bank account 24/7, even while you sleep or go on vacation.

Imagine never depending on a job, or a boss, ever again…because you have “auto income streams” coming in that pay you 5, 10, even 20 times more than what you could ever earn at a job.

Imagine having the freedom to book a pair of first-class plane tickets for yourself and your partner, anytime you feel like it…

And head off on a fantasy vacation, anywhere you want, for as long as you want…

Because while you’re skiing down mountains, sunbathing on the beach, or on some exotic adventure…

You’ll have MORE money constantly flowing into bank account the whole time, replenishing whatever you spend!

This Is The Power Of What You’ll Discover In This Online Training. (Register Now)

Let’s face it: you’ll never get rich trading your time for a fixed number of dollars.

That’s how you get paid at a job. And it means you’re “locked in” to whatever amount THEY decide to pay you.

On the other hand, this online training shows you how to set up an “auto income stream” one time…

And the money rolls in forever, on autopilot.

Suddenly YOU are in charge of your finances and your future!

And the part I really love?

If you want to make MORE money and “level up,” you simply follow this same method to create a second passive income stream. And a third…

So you’ll have multiple streams of “auto income” flowing into your life at all times.

This gives you the FREEDOM to do what you want, live where you want, and travel wherever you want.

With this freedom and success comes greater confidence, more happiness, better relationships…your life gets upgraded in every possible way.

This is why I’m so excited to share this with you today:

My good friends Rob Wiser and Bobby Rio are hosting a free online training, in which they lay out their step-by-step roadmap.

I’ve studied practically every possible way to generate cash on the internet, and I have to say, Rob and Bobby’s method is by the far the best. And the easiest to get started with.

In fact, I use their method myself.

You don’t need to build a website.

You don’t need to have “start-up” funds.

You don’t need computer skills.

All you need to do is watch this special online training, and see their step-by-step process for taking one of your hobbies or interests...

And quickly (and cheaply) turning it into a money stream that makes you cash 24 hours a day.

Click Here To Register For This Free Online Training

You’re going to thank me for this. This is a truly a game-changer…

Talk soon,


P.S. As an online entrepreneur myself, I’m incredibly grateful every day for my auto income streams. And I can honestly say, this free online training gives you the roadmap to unlimited money and freedom and lays it out for you in the easiest way possible.

Register Here While Spots Are Still Available!

Email #2 (Send on Day 2)

Subject: How To Instantly “Level Up” Your Finances and Lifestyle

Hey there,

Did you watch that AMAZING online training from my friends Rob Wiser and Bobby Rio?

(I’m getting tons of emails from my subscribers who are RAVING about it. This might be the most popular video training I’ve ever sent out!)

If you weren’t able to watch it, you can register to watch the replay right here.

If you aren’t aware of what all this fuss is about, Rob Wiser and Bobby Rio are two ordinary guys who figured out an extraordinary secret…

About how to make tons of money on their laptops and enjoy total freedom, WITHOUT any computer skills or expertise.

(If you know how to send an email and check your Facebook, you’ll be able to easily follow along with this amazing online training. It’s that easy!)

You see, Rob and Bobby are masters at creating “auto income streams” on the Internet, and what’s crazy about their method is literally anyone can do it.

You don’t need to know how to build a website.

You don’t need to have a bunch of start-up cash.

You don’t need to write a blog or an e-book.

And you can do this in your spare time. In just a few hours, while you’re sitting at home, you can turn on your computer and set up your own “money streams” that pump cash into your pockets around the clock.

(It’s a lot of fun, too, because you can base the idea for your passive income stream on one of your personal hobbies or interests.)

Just watch this online training, and you’ll see exactly how to set up your own auto income streams (as many as you want!)

I use this same method myself, and it’s why I can work from home…or travel whenever, and wherever, I want.

(All I need is my laptop and a wi-fi connection, and I can make money anywhere.)

If you tried to watch this online training the first time I told you about it, but you couldn’t view it, it’s because the number of attendees was HUGE and they needed to block it after a certain number of registrants...

But here’s the good news…

Go Here Now And You Can Watch The Replay.

I know Rob and Bobby personally. They’re the real deal. And it’s amazing that they’ve finally decided to “pull back the curtain” and share their simple, step-by-step method with you.

So unless you REALLY love your job and you’re 100% thrilled with your paycheck…

Then Trust Me, You Need To Click Here To Register And Watch This LIFE CHANGING Online Training.

Soon, you’ll know a rare and incredibly valuable secret about how to set up income streams on the Internet that work for you around the clock!

And you’ll do more than turbo-charge your income…

You’ll give yourself the most precious gift possible: the FREEDOM do whatever you want with your time.

This is the key to “Leveling Up” in all areas of your lifestyle (watch this life-changing online training)

I look forward to hearing your success story very soon!


P.S. Spots are very limited and this may be the LAST time this training is offered, so don’t miss this chance to level up your finances and lifestyle!

Email #3 (Send on Day 3)

Subject Line: Last Chance

Hey there,

Here’s one of my favorite quotes. Ever heard it?

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

Those words of wisdom were spoken by legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffet…

And I can tell you that personally, the best investment I ever made in myself was learning how to set up “online income streams.”

I remember reading a magazine story about this many years ago. I was blown away by the idea that people of all ages were going on the Internet, and creating simple “auto income streams”…

With no “computer skills” necessary!

But there was a problem:

Back then, there was very little practical information available on how to get started.

And in order to set up my first income stream, I needed to get a website built. Years ago, this meant you had to hire an expensive “web designer” and pay them an hourly rate.

But today, everything has changed…to YOUR advantage.

Millions of people are now earning money with these auto income streams. The “technical side” has become incredibly easy. You can get free software that practically builds your website FOR you…

And if you want someone to set up everything else, you can go to a freelance job website and pay someone in the Philippines or India a few dollars to handle everything.

None of these options existed a decade ago, when I first started trying to make cash on the internet…

And the best method I’ve ever come across is explained here:

Click Here To Watch This Online Training (How To Instantly Level Up Your Income and Lifestyle)

This training is hosted by two friends of mine, Rob Wiser and Bobby Rio. And today might be your last chance to see it.

I wanted to give you one final reminder to watch it, if you haven’t done so yet.

Rob and Bobby told me that the response to this training has been overwhelming, and after today they’ll need to take it offline for a while.

By the way, I’m not recommending this training because I happen to be friends with them.

I’m recommending it for three reasons:

1 – It’s the most thorough, helpful, step-by-step roadmap for generating “internet cash” that I’ve ever seen.

2 – Because I know Rob and Bobby personally, I’ve witnessed their success. They’re two of the best experts in the world when it comes to this, and they hold nothing back.

You get to literally “watch over their shoulder” as they show you how to start making money!

3 – Most importantly, I use this same method myself. I’m a digital entrepreneur too, and my “automated income” has given me an amazing lifestyle. I’d love for you to experience this for yourself!

I can vouch for this in every way. And I know this truly has the power to radically change your finances and lifestyle, as it did for me…

This Might Be Your Last Chance To Register For Amazing Online Training, So Go Here Now!

Rooting for you,


P.S. This online training is highly entertaining, too. I love the stories from Rob and Bobby about their own journey from “flat broke and frustrated” to discovering how to generate endless income at will, while traveling all over the world…

You’ll see lots of excited viewers jumping in with interesting questions, too. So if you’ve ever had any questions about making money online, or if you’ve ever been slightly curious…

Don’t Miss This. Register Now. This Is The #1 Key To Leveling Up Your Finances and Lifestyle.

Email #4 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: Why Girls Really LOVE Money

Let me ask you something...

How different would things be if you made an extra $250 to $500 a day?

Would it change your dating life?

Of course it would.

It would make things drastically easier.


Not because girls are gold diggers who would like you because of your money.

It would change your sex life because all of the sudden you would have freedom, options, opportunities...


I've met girls when I was broke as a joke. And I've met girls after having achieved some success financially.

And the reason it’s EASIER with money is because you are FREE of that burden.

It’s like a weight is lifted off your shoulders so you can concentrate on enjoying yourself, doing cool things, and having fun.

That’s why I’m super excited to tell you about a special training that is being held by two of my super successful buddies this week.

There are a couple sessions to choose from...

Grab your seat now by clicking here.

On this live training, you’re going to learn a step-by-step method for generating income online.

This is TRULY something that anyone can do, no matter where you live, how young or old you are, or how much you know about computers.

In fact, this is the EXACT way I’ve been earning a full-time income online for the past several years.

And if you’ve never made any money online? No problem! This method works ESPECIALLY well for beginners.

So grab your seat for this exclusive event right here.

The guys running this event, who earn thousands per day (I’ve seen their accounts) guarantee that if you just show up and take action like they show you how during the webinar…

You can easily make enough to cover your spending money, car payment, or even your rent every month.

That’s how strongly they feel that this can absolutely change your financial future…

Dude, I’ll be on the training with you...


See you on the webinar!


Email #5 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: How to Make Money Out of Thin Air

When I was younger, I used to daydream about inventing some new cool product that I could sell and make a million dollars.

I’d try to brainstorm all these crazy new ideas for gadgets, toys, and machines…

And of course, I had visions of sitting on a beach sipping Pina Coladas with my sexy blonde trophy wife, while the money just poured in endlessly.

It was a nice fantasy.

But eventually I gave up on it, and like a lot of people, got a normal job, and began trading my time for dollars.

See, back then it was pretty hard to create a product you could sell…

Everything was “physical” back then. You needed to actually build something, create a prototype, manufacture, ship it out, etc...

And that was hard work and it cost A LOT of money to get started.

But here’s the thing…

In the past 10 years EVERYTHING has changed. And creating a product you can sell has become drop dead simple.

In fact, a few years ago I quit my job and started living off the products I’ve created!

And having a product that you create once, and it continues to make money over and over again, is WAY BETTER than trading your time for dollars.

I’ll go as far as to say this:

If you don’t have your own product, you’re MISSING OUT big time.

I won’t get into my thoughts on how automation is going to wipe out millions of jobs in the coming years…

But I will say this: I firmly believe going forward you MUST have your own product bringing in cash every month, or you WILL fall behind.

I’m not saying you need to change the world or even quit your job.

But EVERYONE should have at least one product that earns them a couple thousand dollars a month in “automated income.”

And just think how much earning a couple thousand dollars on the side would free your life up!

I remember for me, at first my product made enough to cover my car payment.

Then it made enough to cover my rent…

And eventually it was making so much that I no longer needed to work, and I could afford just about anything I wanted!

It’s a great feeling, knowing that money is coming in while you sleep :)

So why am I mentioning this today?

Because two guys I know personally and TRUST are holding a special free online workshop where they walk you through creating your first product, step by step.

These are two guys who have created dozens of these products, and have sold millions of dollars of them over the past few years.

When it comes to people teaching “how to make money on the internet” there’s a lot of hype, which is why I normally don’t recommend these types of classes…

However, these guys are LEGIT. Everything they show you how to do in this special webinar, they’ve used themselves to generate millions of dollars.

And they show you the proof onscreen!

Seriously, these guys hold NOTHING back.

The class is completely free to attend, and there are a couple of sessions to choose from:

Register For The Free Class Here

They’ll teach you how to come up with ideas for your first product, how to know if it will sell, and how to get started even if you have no money or technical skills.

Plus, step by step instructions for going from the idea stage, to having a sellable product which generates around-the-clock income for you (even while you sleep!)

Like I said, I firmly believe that nowadays you MUST have your own product you’re selling, or you will fall behind.

Register For The Free Training Here



P.S. This is a rare opportunity for you to learn from two LEGIT guys who are teaching EXACTLY what they are doing to earn millions of dollars per year.

If you follow the advice in this free training, there is no doubt in mind you'll soon have your own product earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month.

REGISTER HERE (Spots Are Limited. Do Not Miss Out.)

Email #6 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: “How To 10X Your Money, Freedom and Dating Life.”

Hey man,

I want to tell you real quick about a couple of friends of mine, Bobby Rio and Rob Wiser, who figured out an amazing way to generate “automated income” on the internet.

This means you set something up once, and then sit back and let it generate money for you on autopilot.

24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The internet never sleeps, which means your automated income never stops rolling in!

The best part? If you want to make MORE cash, you just repeat the same process and set up another “auto income stream.”

It’s honestly the best way to make money I’ve ever come across…and I know, because I use this SAME method myself.

That’s why I was super excited when I found out Bobby and Rob are now sharing their method in this amazing online training.

You don’t need to have “computer skills.”

You don’t need to come up with some clever idea. (Bobby and Rob will do it for you…)

And it’s crazy how QUICKLY you can have your first income stream up and running, once they show you how.

They’ll even show you how to get OTHER people do all the “work” for you!

Click Here To Watch A Limited-Time, Shockingly Powerful Training That Will “Level Up” Your Finances and Lifestyle.

I urge you to watch that training ASAP. This truly is the best advice I can give you if you want to start DOMINATING on all levels…

Because once you’ve got this easy “auto income” pouring in…and you’ve got the FREEDOM to spend your time however, and wherever, you wish…

Well, let’s just say women find this type of guy VERY hard to resist ;)

Click Here For This Special Online Training

To more money, freedom and beautiful women,


Email #7 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: How To “Level Up” Your Lifestyle (#1 Success Secret)

I’ve got something a little different for you today, but incredibly valuable…

And it begins with a question that my students sometimes ask me:

“Hey, so how much money do you make from your internet business?”

As you know, I have websites and digital products which show guys to level up their game with women. And I use this email newsletter to let you know the latest tips and videos to check out.

Ever since I set up my simple online business years ago, I never needed a “job” again.

I make an EASY full-time income which is WAY more than I ever made at a job, and I have the freedom to work whenever and wherever I want.

Next week, I might be running my “business” from my laptop in a coffee shop in Tokyo…

Or while I’m off hiking mountains in South America…

Or while I’m chilling at home with my girl.

This is the power of having your own “auto income streams,” which means your business generates money on autopilot.

=> Go Here For An Amazing Online Training And Set Up Your First Auto Income Stream TODAY

You don’t need any “computer skills.”

You don’t need to be a writer or a blogger.

You don’t need to have a “big idea” for a website.

You’re about to discover how to do this the “quick and easy” way…so you’ll be raking in REAL CASH as quickly as possible.

You don't want to miss this LIVE (and F REE) webinar, from two guys who are personal friends of mine, and are amazing at teaching this:

==> Register Here (Get Your First Internet Income Stream Launched Today)

Space is limited to the first 300 guys who register for this.

The guys who are putting on this webinar, Bobby Rio and Rob Wiser, showed ME how to:

1 – Increase my income on command

2 - Impact thousands of lives around the world

3 - Be my own boss and do what I want, when I want, with who I want. And this a lifestyle that women find VERY attractive ;)

So if you want to set up some “easy money streams” in your spare time, and make cash on autopilot…

Or if you like the idea of never having to work a job, or answer to a boss, again…and OWNING your time…

Even if you've got NO computer skills, and even if you’re lazy...

Well, now is your chance:

=> Go Here Now To Register (Set Up Your First Automated Money Stream TODAY)

Don't put this off. This is the last time you'll get the chance to attend this invite-only webinar LIVE.

And once the first 300 guys register for this online training, they won't be accepting any more people...

Check It Out Here. You Won't Regret It.

See you at the top! Because the bottom is too crowded ;)


Email #8 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: Women love MEN who have this “super power”

A lot of guys get curious and ask me...

“So how much money do you make from your internet biz?"

While I'm not at liberty to talk about the amount I make, I WILL say…

First, it's NOT all about the money for me.

The main reason I have my website and my products is the sense of purpose and reward I get, from seeing all the lives that are helped by my teachings.

I get emails from guys every day who want to share their success stories, and it makes me feel great.

But I can tell you, my online business earns me an easy full-time income which is WAY more than I ever made at a job. It also gives me the FREEDOM to travel the world whenever I please.

Best of all, I’m making “auto income,” which even while I’m sleeping, my business is raking in cash on autopilot!

Now here’s the really cool thing…

Two good friends of mine, Bobby Rio and Rob Wiser, are among the best in the world at doing this…

And now, for the first time, they’re hosting a free web training to show you how to set up YOUR first automated income stream:

=> Register Here For This POWERFUL Online Training (Spots Are Limited)

You don’t need to have any computer skills.

You don’t need to know anything about building websites.

You’re about to discover how to set up your first “auto income stream” the quick and easy way, so you’ll have money rolling in even while you sleep…

And when you wake up and check your bank balance each morning, you’ll have more money than you did when you went to bed the night before!

You don’t want to miss this:

==> Ready To LEVEL UP Your Income? (Follow These Simple Steps)

Space is limited to the first 300 guys who register for this.

The two guys who are putting on this webinar, Bobby Rio and Rob Wiser, have been my own secret weapon for…

1 – Increasing my income on command

2 - Impacting thousands of lives around the world

3 - Being my own boss and doing what I want, when I want, with who I want (and this is a lifestyle that girls find VERY attractive…)

So if you've ever wanted more money and more FREEDOM, here’s your chance:

=> Go Here Now To Register (Set Up Your First Internet Money Stream TODAY)

Check it out. You won't regret it.


P.S. I’m never going to tell you that money is NECESSARY to get hot, high-quality women…

But having a ton of spare cash (and the CONFIDENCE that goes with it) gives you one heck of a “tactical advantage…”

And being able to meet a girl and whisk her away to a vacation anywhere in the world? Hey, that’s just totally badass…

That’s The Freedom You Will Have Once You Discover These Automated Income Secrets.

Email #9 (For Mens Dating Lists)

Subject Line: How Tony “Scarface” Montana Got Hot Girls

A wise young hustler named Tony Montana once said,

“You gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

“Scarface” is one of the most badass movies ever, no doubt…

And his words may have been true in the cocaine game of 1980s Miami.

But in OUR “game” – the game of seduction – you don’t need the money to get the women.

As you know, you can learn attraction techniques that make a girl forget all the superficial stuff…

Like, the car you drive, or where you live, or what you do for a living.

BUT while having buckets of money isn’t NECESSARY to get high-quality girls, let’s be honest…

It does give you a BIG tactical advantage.

Imagine how bulletproof your confidence would be, if you had enough money to truly not give a f**k.

If you didn’t ever need to work a job again, or answer to a boss.

If you could drive any car you choose and take girls out on dates to the best restaurants…not because you’re trying to impress them, but because that’s just HOW YOU ROLL.

But if you’re like 95% of men, you like the IDEA of being wealthy (hey, we all do…)

But you can’t imagine it ever realistically happening. You don’t see any path to actually GET there.

Well this is why I want to show you this amazing online training that is showing thousands of regular guys how to make BIG money, just by using the knowledge or life experience you have inside of you.

This online training shows you a few simple steps for setting up an “automated income stream” that works FOR you, 24 hours a day, even while you’re sleeping or going on vacation.

And then, if you want to take your income to the NEXT level, you follow the same easy process to set up income stream #2. And #3, and so on.

(With this method, the sky is the limit…and best of all, you can do it in your spare time. All you need is a computer or smartphone and an internet connection.)

And here’s the really exciting part…

Two friends of mine, Rob Wiser and Bobby Rio, are extremely successful at this. Combined, they’ve been doing this for more than 20 years…

And now, they’re actually SHARING their method with a select group of guys.

Go Here Now To See If You Can Still Register For Their Life-Changing Online Workshop.

If you’re still able to grab a spot for their special online training, you’re in for an experience that can truly transform your life.

You’ll discover a simple, proven method for raking in “automated cash,” using the power of the internet.

With this cash comes more FREEDOM.

And with more freedom, your CONFIDENCE skyrockets!

So while money isn’t THE answer to getting more girls, and hotter girls…

When you’ve got your own automated income streams running 24/7, you’ve got an incredibly powerful advantage.

Cick here above to register for Rob and Bobby’s online training.

See what the fuss is all about. I’ve been through their short training session, and it’s a blast - not to mention EXTREMELY eye-opening.

In fact, you’ll never look at money or “jobs” the same way again.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve got some knowledge or experience inside of you that you want to share with the world…

And if you’d like to know how to make a career, or at least a highly profitable ‘side hustle,’ out of the knowledge you already possess…

Then Register Here Now For An Online Training That Will Open Your Eyes And Change Your Life.